Peer Leadership - What does leadership look like when you’re not in charge? For many young adults, positions in typical leadership hierarchies are few-and-far-between, making this question frequently necessary. Fortunately, we are well-acquainted with this conundrum and has more than a few stories illustrating what to do (and perhaps what not to do) as you lead in whatever situations God places you.
Teamwork & Collaboration - From church committees, to family yard projects, to business teams, collaboration is a skill you’ll use for your whole life. What if you could be better at it than 90% of the population? Sibling duo Kaitlyn and Caleb Brush have a few years of experience when it comes to teamwork. They also hate boring sessions. So, if you think the topic sounds about as interesting as algebraic geometry, fear not. At the very least, the stories will be entertaining.
Conflict Communication - In life there are few things that are guaranteed. Unfortunately, interpersonal conflict is among the things that are. Regardless of the season of life that you find yourself in, you will inevitably find yourself in conflict with something, or someone. In this session, join Trent as we hone in on the “someone” side of that equation, and discuss how we can effectively communicate with others in the midst of conflict and disagreements – using helpful communication strategies to de-escalate situations and find common ground, even in difficult circumstances.
Problem Solving - In many ways, problem-solving is an essential part of being human, and even more so, part of being a leader. God gave us the ability to reason, to think critically and creatively. Thus, exerting our faculties to the best of our ability is indeed a way to glorify Him. Yet doing so is not something that comes naturally. God has given us the raw toolset and the forum of life as a teacher, but we must deliberately pursue a mastery of problem solving if we are to fully apply the skill sets that we have been given. In this session, we will discuss some of the elements of problem solving in various contexts, with an eye towards practical application in leadership.
Resilience in Leadership - We rally around leaders driven by an unwavering commitment to causes greater than themselves. These leaders ignite a passion in others and keep going when times get tough. So how do we become fearlessly resilient as young leaders? In the session, join Tim as he explores how to dream big and start small, find your worthy cause, and take on your mission.
Failing Forward - Failure is an interesting thing. We have an instinctive fear of it, as to fail is to come up short or to be insufficient. Yet we also have a peripheral understanding that failure is a necessary part of improvement. We’ve all experienced situations where failing at something has led to a change in methodology, an adaptation in approach or simply improved individual resilience. Even so, in real time it’s hard to see the benefits that failure can produce. So how can we train ourselves to see failure as an opportunity? How can we use that transition in perspective to guide our decisions and reinforce our plans and purpose? In this session we’ll discuss all of that and more!