We are here to answer all your Homeschooling questions. 

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History of Homeschooling in Michigan

On September 20, 1984, Ottawa County contacted homeschooling parents Mark & Christine DeJonge to inform them they were illegally homeschooling their two young children. The DeJonges were not certified teachers and therefore were deemed in violation of the state’s compulsory attendance law.

In Michigan, the most pivotal court case in opening up homeschooling to parents was De Jonge vs. Michigan. 

The Five W's of Michigan Homeschooling

1. WHO can homeschool in Michigan?

  • Any parent willing to “own” their child’s education and provide what our state law requires: an “organized educational program” in these areas: language arts (reading, writing, spelling, grammar, & literature), in math, science, history, and civics…
  • Follow the legal requirement in Michigan
    • No requirement for teacher certification
    • No minimum requirement for parents’ educational level

(In fact research shows there is absolutely NO correlation between student success and the parents’ level of education. The ONLY correlation is this: Student success levels go up based on the level of parental involvement… and how can parents be more involved than by actually taking on the task of home educating and becoming the ones ultimately responsible for their child’s education?!?)

  • No registration, reporting, or mandatory testing in Michigan, either!

So who can homeschool? YOU can! As the parent, there is NO ONE who knows your child better or who cares more than YOU do!


What is your "Why"?

One of the most important aspects of homeschooling is knowing your WHY!


Homeschool Curriculum

We know that there is a lot out there to choose from! And all those terms... Charlotte Mason? Classical? Unit Study?.... 

We have answers for you. 

How does my high school student graduate from homeschooling?

As a parent, you are in charge of graduating your homeschool student. The administrators of a homeschool (the parents) have the ability to determine requirements for graduation, just like private schools do.

When your child has completed what you determine to be your school’s requirements for graduation, you may:

  • graduate them
  • award a diploma
  • and write a transcript for college 

**MICHN members have access to customizable high school transcript

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Do I have to keep attendance records?

Parents in Michigan who choose option 1 are not required to keep attendance records for each school year, but MICHN offers planning tools and resources if you would like to do so for your own records. Remember, the goal is learning!

What about other types of record keeping?

There are other types of records besides attendance records. While you are not required by the state of Michigan to keep records with option 1, we recommend that you keep a copy of the following items just to cover all your bases:

  • A portfolio of work by each student showing what they’ve accomplished in each grade.
  • Notes on what textbooks, workbooks and lesson plans you’ve used each year.
  • Copies of any correspondence that you’ve had with the public school.
  • Test results from tests that you’ve given, though standardized testing is not required.
  • Field trips attended, including those taken with support groups.

The Research for Homeschooling

Homeschooling and the homeschool community have undergone a notable resurgence around the world since the late 1970s. Homeschooling research is growing quickly. This page is your gateway to research and academic perspectives and scholarship regarding the homeschool movement in general and homeschool families and children (or students) in particular, and homeschooling in the context of larger society. Other terms similar to homeschooling are home schooling, home education, home-based education, and unschooling.

Here are a few key resources on homeschooling research:

Public School / Homeschool Partnerships

MiCHN’s Position Paper on Public School Partnerships

MiCHN wants to clearly state what has always been the case: Our vision explains that we exist “to promote Biblically-based, family-centered, privately-funded, parent-directed home discipleship” in Michigan. Therefore, we do not encourage involvement in any ‘shared time’ or partnership programs with the public schools. We are very concerned about the rapid growth of such public school partnerships because of the following reasons:

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