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Homeschool Planner for 2024-2025.

We are excited to plan & pray along side you!


Reading Log.

We are excited to read along with you!


Christmas eBook from MiCHN.

The Christmas season brims with wonder and excitement. The miraculous
birth of the Christ-child—the fulfillment of a long-awaited promise—gives us
every reason to celebrate. Our Savior has come, and this is a time for joy!
Within these pages, you will find recipes, carols, project ideas, books, and
more to warm your heart, remind you of the reason for the season, and draw
your family closer together as you revel in the profound earthly blessings we
cherish. Embrace the spirit of giving as you create handmade gifts for your
loved ones, delve into the rich traditions and stories of Christmas, and find joy
in the simple pleasures that make this season so special.
As you eagerly anticipate the birth of Christ, may this ebook bless your family’s
journey into the heart of Christmas.
— The Michigan Christian Homeschool Network 

Advent Calendar.

We are excited to read scripture together!


Michigan Unit Study.

5 day lesson plan for all ages.