Kim Sorgius Jones

Not Consumed

Kim Sorgius Jones is a 20+ year homeschool veteran, passionate about helping families grow in faith so they are NOT CONSUMED by life. Her practical, transparent, and heartfelt sessions will inspire and equip you to homeschool without feeling overwhelmed by circumstances. 

Kim has served as a public school teacher, homeschool evaluator, and curriculum consultant. However, teaching her own children while walking alongside other moms on this journey is her absolute favorite thing to do. Best-selling author of My Brother’s Keeper and Because I Said So, Kim loves combining her teaching experience with her M.Ed. in Curriculum Development. She creates engaging Bible studies and homeschool curriculum to help families live #NotConsumed every day!

Session Titles

1. How To Teach Your Child To Learn Independently - You can’t do everything, but did you know that you shouldn’t even try? In this session, you’ll learn how independent learning decreases burn out, helps students excel, and equips them for life. This workshop will give you the tools to guide your child as they gradually transition to learning independently, whether you have preschoolers or high schoolers!

2. The Once-a-Year Plan: Taking the Overwhelm Out of Homeschool Planning - So you’ve got a box full of unused planners and half-erased lesson plan books. Trust me, you’re not alone! From curriculum to the daily schedule, there is a simple way to plan your whole school year in just ONE week. Reclaim your Sunday nights and your sanity by joining veteran homeschool mom, Kim Sorgius, for this practical session.

3. What to Teach: A Simple Plan From Preschool to Graduation - Are we teaching the right things at the right time? Will there be gaps if we teach outside the box? This session is all about fostering a love of learning and creating a flexible, interest-driven curriculum all while meeting the academic needs of your kids and keeping the important things in focus.

4. Get Off the Couch: Helping Kids Become Disciplined Workers -  Do your kids “forget” to do their chores? Is their schoolwork just a box that gets sloppily checked off? Do you feel like they’ll never take initiative? If you’re looking for the magic pill to help your kids get off the couch and work hard, this isn’t the session for you. But if you want practical ways to kick laziness to the curb, be sure to join us as we learn how to encourage and nurture our kids to be disciplined and responsible workers.
