William Wagner

Salt & Light Global

William Wagner is a Christian. He currently serves as the Wagner Faith & Freedom Center Distinguished Chair at Spring Arbor University.  He also holds the academic rank of Distinguished Professor Emeritus after an academic career teaching constitutional law and ethics at two secular universities.  He is also the founder of Salt & Light Global.


Prof. Wagner takes the heart of Jesus to the culture. Discipling servant leaders, he equips them to share Jesus’ redemptive love and truth. In doing so he equips them to see all of who they are and what they do through the lens of God’s Word. Prof. Wagner equips the church with strategies to transform the culture. He trains pastors and ministry leaders to contend for the faith. Shining the healing light of Christ into dark places, he shares the Good News of Jesus in unique unreached forums.  He strategically works to ensure the next generation may do so free of persecution. From a local township board to the United States Supreme Court, Prof. Wagner speaks truth on behalf of the persecuted and most vulnerable.  Championing the cause of the defenseless and oppressed, he fights for freedom of religion in public forums around the globe. He promotes good governance and speaks of Jesus in the public square.  Because Jesus calls us to be Salt and Light in the world, he wants to see nations transform, darkness dissolve, and the brokenhearted heal.


Professor Wagner’s public service includes serving as a Federal judge in the United States Courts, legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, senior assistant United States attorney in the Department of Justice, an American diplomat and Senior Advisor for Global Criminal Justice at the Department of State. His writing is published in numerous journals, books, and other publications.

Session Titles

1. Don't Mess with Our Kids! Parental Rights Under Attack

Through a Biblical worldview lens, Professor Wagner looks at the unalienable right of parents to direct and control the upbringing of their children- especially in regards to their education.
