Building Bridges and Defending Freedom
We have put together a list of ideas for you and your family, in order to help connect with your local legislators. By doing so, you will build bridges and tear down barriers. You will help create a positive relationship between the homeschool community and our legislature. If you make the time, you will earn their confidence and be given the opportunity to converse with them about issues that are important to you, despite their political persuasion. Here are some ideas to help you get started:
1. Figure out who represents you in Lansing.
a. State Representative CLICK HERE
b. State Senator Locator CLIK HERE
2. Write a letter introducing yourself and your family. In the letter thank them for all their hard work and service to the people of Michigan. Tell them you are praying for them and ask if they have any specific prayer requests. If they share a request, be sure to follow up with a ‘Thinking of You Note’ and see how they are doing.
3. Visit them in their local district office or in Lansing. Many legislators set aside certain times in their districts to meet with their constituents, that’s you. Many of these are labeled as “coffee hours.” Attend these coffee hour breaks and engage in a respectful conversation with them. Let them get to know you.
4. Send cards of encouragement throughout the year. The beginning of their term, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all great opportunities to thank them for their service.
5. Invite them to homeschooling events in your area. Picnics, programs, graduations, concerts, etc. Let your local legislator SEE the opportunities homeschool families have.
6. Consider volunteering in their office or on their campaign. If they share your values, offer your time to help. Homeschoolers can assist with mailings, phone calls, placing yard signs, distributing literature door-to-door, marching in local parades, etc.
God has blessed the homeschoolers in Michigan because of the relationship-building that has gone on for many years between homeschooling families and our legislators. For decades, there have been firewalls in both the House and Senate Education Committees, men and women who have stood strong for our homeschooling freedoms, because they know us and trust us. This is no longer the case. In all things, we must acknowledge the Lord’s sovereignty. Proverbs 21:1 “The King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wishes.” Our state is in God's hands. Let’s build bridges, not barriers with those the Lord has placed in our government. Then trust him to do the rest as he wills.
God bless your homeschool family as you continue to trust Him in all you do.
-Your MiCHN Legislative Team