Legislative Update March'24

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A draft of a homeschool registration bill HAS BEEN WRITTEN and is waiting to be introduced to the Michigan House Education Committee. This existence of this draft bill has been confirmed, but the details have not yet been released to the public. There is no official bill number yet, because it has not been presented to the Education Committee yet for review. Our belief is that the Democrats want to hold this bill very closely until they feel it is the right moment and then they will likely try to pass it very quickly before there is much time to respond to it. This is why we need you to contact your representatives NOW!

We also have reason to believe there may be a parallel bill in existence on the Senate side. On February 19, 2024, Sen. Dayna Polehanki (D), Chair of the Senate Education Committee, told the Detroit News: “Someone is already introducing (a homeschool registration bill). I can’t say who.”

Some have asked, “What is the problem with simply having your child registered with the state?” There are many answers to that question, but we believe registration is simply the first government foot in your door. I was on CBS TV in Detroit with Rep. Matt Koleszar (House Education Chair) on Dec. 6, 2023, and he was asked by the reporter how simply having a child’s name on a government database would keep them safe? She asked, “Surely there would have to be some kind of home visits, some interaction, right?” He replied, “It would be fair to say that. But I think right now the main thing we need to do…is find out where they are.”

This is an interview I conducted with internationally renown journalist, Alex Newman, who discusses many concerns about having our children tracked annually in a centralized education database. Data mining of our children has far more negative implication than you might imagine. https://youtu.be/eJk8juIk9l4?si=xgZWXng_6onw9LH4

Please contact both your House representative and state senator and simply tell them that you are a homeschooling family who loves spending time with your children, providing them with an exceptional education and helping to keep them safe from potential harm they could experience in the public school system. (This article entitled, “Are Public Schools Safe for Children” may give you some understanding of how much safer homeschooling is than public schools): https://www.michn.org/resources/54918/are-public-schools-safe-for-children )

Ask them to vote no on any future regulations against homeschooling.

You can find their contact info here:

We ask you to continue to stand with MiCHN as we are standing with you to defend your homeschooling freedoms here in the state of Michigan. Please consider a generous donation to help us with the costs of this fight. MiCHN is volunteer organization (made up of Michigan homeschooling parents, just like you) with no paid staff, so all of your donations go back into supporting the homeschooling community and advocating for homeschooling with the media and legislature. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible. https://www.michn.org/donate

And please keep praying. We are trusting God to intervene on our behalf.

God bless,
Israel Wayne
Vice-President of MiCHN

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