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Breakout Sessions now AVAILABLE!📢🎉
OUR SCHEDULE AND BREAKOUT SESSIONS ARE ON OUR WEBSITE!    At INCH you'll be inspired, informed, and instructed regarding all things homeschooling... plus discipleship, parenting, marriage, and more!  INCH 2023 will be Michigan's 40TH ANNUAL statewide homeschool conference-- the Inspirational Networking Conference for Homeschoolers, by MiCHN. INCH is one of longest-running, most vibrant homeschool conventions in the nation– bringing together authentic speakers with change-your-life vision-casting messages, and exhibitors with passion and knowledge to equip you with tons of ideas, strategies, and resources. Register HERE!  Two and a half days of encouragement... for your whole family!  All-Access Pass includes the following:    Thursday night TED Talks from all of our main speakers  4 Keynote sessions and 6 different break-out workshop periods  Used Curriculum Sale  Huge Exhibit Hall  Hands-On Activities Fair (Parents are expected to stay in attendance with children)   College & Career Fair  Young Entrepreneur's Expo (Click HERE to for more details)   Homeschool Leader's Summit  Sat. morning Dads & Donuts, Moms & Muffins special sessions  Regional Meet-ups for connecting with homeschoolers near you  Food Trucks and coffee shop on-site ** Children's & Teen's Programs Available for an **EXTRA COST** Join us for our FAMILY NIGHT on Friday evening!!! Bob Cates is going to be amazing!     REGISTER TODAY
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Call to Prayer!🙏🙏🙏
CALL TO PRAYER!     Hello homeschooling friends across Michigan!   This beautiful spring weather, along with our recent celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection, has many of us smiling more and excited about all the good things to come: being outdoors more to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, finishing up this year’s school subjects and making plans for summer and next fall… and gathering together as a homeschool community at the INCH Conference, May 18-20!   It’s hard to believe, but this year will be INCH’s 40th annual conference! That is quite a milestone and something great to celebrate, and we sincerely hope YOU can join us in Lansing this year! The conference is now just over a month away, and whether or not you are going to be able to physically gather with us in May, our MICHN team would like to ask all of you to join us in prayer— not only for this event, but for the homeschooling community in Michigan. It is our heart, as we believe it is the Father God’s heart, that we, as His people and as parents tasked with the great responsibility of training up the next generation of leaders, be unified in our goal to impact this world, and particularly this state of Michigan, for Christ! We need to be busy about the work of God’s Kingdom- the work of making disciples who know, love, and serve the King- teaching them to walk in Truth!  (This year’s conference theme- based on Psalm 86:11) So we invite you to join us over the next few weeks in daily prayer especially for our upcoming INCH Conference, as we believe the Lord can really use that time to equip and encourage His people to do the work of home discipleship! The 30 days of  prayer will begin NEXT Wednesday, April 19th and run through the first day of the conference on May 18th. Below is a list of all 30 topics we’ll be praying about in the 30 days leading up to INCH, if you want to print and have them all in one place. We will also be sending a weekly Wednesday prayer email, and posting daily on Facebook and Instagram.  We truly appreciate your faithful prayers- that the Lord might work mightily among His people at INCH 2023! NOTE: If you have not done so already, please click here and get registered for the conference! Blessings, The MICHN team                                      INCH 30 Days of Prayer 4/19/23-5/18/23   Day 1:  Today we are praying that God would be glorified in all things having to do with the INCH conference.  “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:4   Day 2: Today we are praying that all those who are supposed to attend the conference will, and nothing would be able to stop them.  “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” Matt. 18:20   Day 3: Today we are praying that every detail of everything involved in planning and carrying out this conference will come together.  “ ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Zech. 4:6b   Day 4: Today we are praying that there would be a clear call on the homeschools represented at the INCH conference, and that we would seek to honor and obey the Lord as we diligently teach our children at home. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:4-9   Day 5: Today we are praying that nothing would hinder the mission of the conference as it draws closer. “I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.” 2 Samuel 22:4   Day 6: Today we are praying over the speakers at the conference. That they will be able to prepare well and clearly communicate that which the Lord has laid on their hearts to share with the homeschool community.  “O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1   Day 7: Today we are praying that there will be no distractions during the conference. That those who are attending to learn will have supernatural focus and the ability to learn what the Lord has for them. “Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?” Isaiah 2:22   Day 8: Today we are praying that relationships will be formed and solidified leading up to, during, and after the conference.  “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Prov 13:20   Day 9: Today we are praying that He will hear those who call upon His name during INCH. That He would reveal more of Himself as we wholeheartedly seek Him during this time.  “He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with them in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” Psalms 91:15   Day 10: Today we are praying over the children’s programming during the conference. That as the children gather together at the conference, they would be blessed and learn all that the Lord has for them there.  “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14   Day 11: Today we are praying the children’s conference workers: for endurance, strength, and super-natural love to flow from them.  “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4   Day 12: Today we are praying that each attendee and family represented at INCH would walk away with a renewed purpose and wisdom as to why we do what we do as homeschoolers. “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90: 12   Day 13: Today we are praying that the Lord would grant safety and traveling mercies to those coming to INCH from out of town.  “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” Psalm 5: 11-12   Day 14: Today we are praying that all who attend, serve at, and/or are in any way connected to the INCH conference would be filled with encouragement while there, and after. “May the Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16   Day 15:  Today we are praying for INCH leaders and conference organizers as the conference approaches. For wisdom, love, discernment, and endurance as they continue to serve the homeschool community in this way.  “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.” 2 Corinthians 8:21   Day 16: Today we are praying for the vendors as they seek to share resources with the homeschool community that could greatly improve the quality of our homeschools. That they would be blessed just as they seek to bless the attendees.  “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8   Day 17: Today we are praying over the used curriculum sale, for logistics, peace to prevail, patients through long lines, and thanksgiving for God’s provision via the gift of quality curriculum at discounted prices.  “Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15   Day 18: Today we are praying for the marriages represented at the conference. That they would be strengthened and God honoring.  “‘Haven’t you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?’ So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” Matthew 19: 4-6   Day 19: Today we are praying for the teen track: for wisdom to be imparted, clear focus, and servant heartedness to abound.  “Know that the Lord is God, it is he who made us, and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100: 3   Day 20: Today we are praying that every word spoken at the conference, whether in session, in the hallway, vendor hall, etc will be glorifying to the Lord. "My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord, let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever." Psalm 145:21   Day 21: Today we are praying over the future generations that will be represented at INCH. That they will be set apart now for the Lord, that they will receive his wisdom and love and choose to follow him with whole-hearted devotion. “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.” Psalm 102:18   Day 22: Today we are praying for veteran homeschool parents attending INCH to be infused with renewed strength, encouragement,endurance and passion for their children and for homeschooling.  “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9   Day 23: Today we are praying over new or potential homeschool parents to receive boldness, encouragement, and purpose at the INCH conference.  Psalm 34:4-5,8, Isaiah 41:10, Phil 4:6-7   Day 24: Today we are praying for the college and career fair: for logistics, communication, and new opportunities to be revealed.  “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1   Day 25: Today we are praying for the Hands-On fair: that the kids will learn, explore and for hearts to be glad and joyful! “A cheerful heart is good medicine” Psalm 17:22a   Day 26: Today we are praying for the logistics of the conference to continue to come together. For everything from the sound system to food trucks to run smoothly and efficiently.  “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” Psalms 100:1-2   Day 27: Today we are praying that individual and family relationships with the Lord would be strengthened during the conference. “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” 2 Peter 1:3-4   Day 28:  Today we are praying against any last minute distraction or attempts to stop us from gathering together at the conference and intentionally commit to gathering in His name to spur one another on in this great homeschooling journey. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1   Day 29:  Today we are praying over the Special Needs Symposium. That the parents who attend would be encouraged in their journey.  “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are beautiful. I know that full well.” Psalm 139: 13-14   Day 30: Today we come before the Lord and ask once again, that every aspect of the INCH conference would be pleasing to him, and that he would receive all glory and honor! “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11
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MiCHN's Thoughts on Testing📝📊📓
*MiCHN ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL STAND FOR HOMESCHOOL FREEDOM. *MiCHN NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL ADVOCATE FOR MANDATED TESTING.     We appreciate hearing from homeschool families across the state, and are thankful when people contact us directly to express concerns and ask questions that might arise regarding information we've shared! After receiving multiple questions and concerns regarding MiCHN’s stance on standardized testing, we thought it would be helpful to send everyone some clarification and to include some additional context and background information on the HOMESCHOOL FREEDOM 2023 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STUDY. This is an opportunity which we have sent several emails about, posted on our website, and shared with homeschool leaders. This is a completely optional and voluntary testing opportunity available for homeschool research purposes— being offered in conjunction with trusted Christian ministries (NHERI – National Home Education Research Institute and BJU – Bob Jones University Press Testing and Evaluation service) and homeschool freedom fighters across the nation-  NOT any state or government agencies. MiCHN is simply sharing an opportunity for families who DO want to test their children, to participate in this completely safe and anonymous research study so that statistical research proving the effectiveness of homeschooling can be updated.  It is not an initiative begun by MiCHN, nor related specifically to the state of Michigan. It is a national coalition of homeschool freedom advocates seeking to gather a large sampling of data from homeschooling families coast to coast—and MiCHN agreed to share the information with homeschoolers in our state.   MiCHN is NOT suggesting families NEED to test, nor that groups should mandate ANYTHING! Please allow this email to clarify & put to rest any concerns or misunderstandings: ·  MiCHN has stated repeatedly, in various venues, settings, and communications (including our website), that testing is NOT REQUIRED in the state of Michigan – and for that we are extremely grateful and are pro-actively doing all we can to keep it that way!  ·  MiCHN has NEVER suggested that testing of any sort be required—for any reason! Not in order to participate in local homeschool groups/ co-ops/ events, nor to be a member of MiCHN. Any such claims are false and do nothing to help in the fight to maintain the freedoms we hold today. ·  MiCHN has NEVER said that we think all homeschool families in Michigan should test their children. We HAVE suggested recently, however, that IF there are families who DO voluntarily test on a regular basis, or who have contemplated it in the past, they might want to do it THIS year, in order for their children's test results to be included in the national study being sponsored by BJU Press and NHERI. These test results would REMAIN ANONYMOUS & CONFIDENTIAL, and the data would be compiled, never shared individually. ·  MiCHN is NOT benefiting financially or in any other way from this national study. We, at MiCHN, thought it better to pass the blessings onto our families by giving you the opportunity to purchase your tests through our parent portal at a discounted rate of 10% off on your entire purchase. By doing that, we are actually losing any payout that we would normally receive in a partnership like this. We simply believe it is a good opportunity for families, WHO WANT TO TEST, to help update homeschool data nationally and statewide.  MiCHN is 100% against any form of government regulations on homeschooling including, but not limited to, mandatory testing and registration of any sort. In the future, we at MiCHN would ask that you reach out to us personally, and have a conversation if you have questions about what we stand for or advocate for. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible, and have volunteer staff members in the office every Tuesday that would be more than willing to have a conversation with you about any particular questions or concerns you may have. As always, MiCHN exists to build bridges and defend homeschool freedom, and  MiCHN WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT TO ENSURE THAT MANDATORY TESTING (OR REPORTING, OR ANY OTHER INCREASED REGULATION) IS NOT REQUIRED FOR HOMESCHOOLERS IN MICHIGAN. You can reach our office at: 517.481.5994 or [email protected]
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Legislative Update: 2/28/23😃
Report From the Capitol: Our legislative team attended our first meeting with Representative Matt Koleszar this morning. It was a pleasant conversation that led to bricks being laid in our quest to build bridges between the homeschool community of Michigan and our state legislators. Representative Koleszar, representing district 22 and Chair of the House Education Committee, assured our team he has nothing against home educators. He emphasized multiple times he has constituents that home educate, that he was happy to know. He also assured us the current focus of the House Education Committee is on public and charter education, nothing that would really affect home education at this moment.  We are pleased and thank Representative Koleszar for having taken time out of his schedule to meet with us.  We pray he will lead Michigan well moving forward. If you happen to live in his district, please take some time to reach out to him and personally thank him for his willingness to meet with us. You can call his office at:  (517) 373-0854 A couple things you can do today: Pray for Representative Koleszar: For the Lord to lead him in all his legislative endeavors.  For protection over him, his family, and those around him. For wisdom and guidance on very tough issues For understanding as he reaches across the aisle to get things done Call your state legislators and ask them to please defend homeschool freedoms as they are right now. Unfortunately, at this time, Senator Polehanki has cancelled our scheduled meeting with her for tomorrow, March 1, 2023. Her staff has offered to reschedule later in the year and we have accepted and look forward to meeting with the Senator in the future.   In general, we have a couple concerns at this time. There have been multiple times where lawmakers are not being completely transparent with the public. At times, this has looked like a motion on the house floor to "suspend the rules," by-passing rule #42 steps b & c in the house rules which requires legislators to send bills into committee. Unfortunately, this means they can vote on any bill with no debate or discussion, giving us little time to get the word out to our families of any potential changes. At other times, they have turned off cameras so the general public can not see what is being said and done. While neither of these procedural tactics break any laws or rules, it is clearly not the transparency we have all been promised. While MiCHN is a volunteer organization made up of concerned homeschooling parents just like you, we believe there is strength in numbers and there is cost involved in maintaining the presence we have had in the legislature for almost four decades, and keeping homeschoolers in the state networked and informed. If you would like to help protect and preserve homeschooling freedoms here in Michigan, please consider supporting our work through donations (we are a tax-exempt, 501-c-3 non-profit organization) and through annual memberships. **It is important you understand we can not act on a bill, unless one is introduced. At this time, there has been NO BILL introduced in committees nor the chambers that would stipulate more regulations on homeschoolers. With that in mind, MICHN would encourage you to prayerfully consider what you can do in the future to engage with your local representatives: Write a letter to your state legislators introducing yourself and your family. In the letter thank them for all their hard work and service to the people of Michigan. Tell them you are praying for them, ask them if they have any specific prayer requests they would like to share with you-be it work or family related. If they share a request-be sure to follow up with a 'Thinking of You Note' and see how they are doing. Pray for our elected officials. Considering using a resource like Visit them in their local district office or in Lansing. Many legislators set aside certain times in their districts to meet with their constituents. Consider blessing them by taking a delicious treat with you or leaving a small gift like special "made in Michigan" food or decorative item. Send cards of encouragement throughout the year. Birthdays (usually posted on their website), 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all great opportunities to thank them for their service. Consider including a family picture and hand-drawn pictures or notes from your children to make it more personal. Invite them to homeschooling events in your area-picnics, programs, graduations, concerts, etc. Consider volunteering in their office or on their campaign. If you have confidence in what they stand for, offer your time to help: homeschoolers can assist with mailings, phone calls, placing yard signs, distributing literature door-to-door, marching in local parades, etc. -Your MiCHN Legislative Team
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February MiCHN Moment: Prayers Needed! Plus exciting events!🙏☺
In Their Own Words: Michigan Senate Education Committee Chairwoman Polehanki opened the 2023 committee with the following statement on 1/24/2023:   "I'd like to take a minute to outline my vision for this committee as 'committee' is the first stop on the path for a bill to become a law. At this STOP, we are going to listen to educators first. At this STOP we're going to include bonafide educational research in our decision-making. At this STOP, we will seek to undo legislation that doesn't work and move new legislation that the educational community wants. At this stop, we will NOT participate in the demonization of teachers or LQBTQ students and we will not give credence to fake scandals or conspiracy theories. Let me be clear. Those days are over.  For the next four years, while I hold this gavel." President of MiCHN, Mike Winter, along with MiCHN's legislative team, will be meeting with Senator Polehanki on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 in order to introduce ourselves and prayerfully build bridges. Please pray for a fruitful conversation and for the Holy Spirit to lead in all future legislative endeavors the Senator seeks for education in Michigan. Come have your faith built and your vision sharpened at our 2023 INCH conference! We're gathering in Lansing May 18th-20th! Register and Check out more info here! INCH SPEAKER SPOTLIGHTS: Israel Wayne: Foundations in Faith-A Bible Doctrine Curriculum Phylicia Masonheimer: How to Think Theologically About Everything Steve Demme: Parents are Uniquely Qualified to Teach and Disciple Their Children Kim Sorgius: Homeschool Resources that Grow Faith Wil & Meeke Addison: God's Manifold Wisdom Revealed in the Church REGISTER NOW   CALLING ALL LEADERS, anyone in a position of influence in the homeschool community (current or future!) We hope you'll join MiCHN for an encouraging and informative time where homeschool leaders and consultants Ashley Richards and Becky Abrams tackle everyday issues facing homeschool leaders. Becky and Ashley will cover a variety of relevant issues including starting a new program with a clear mission, a solid foundation, and other important aspects to consider (insurance, finances, and more.) Join us to learn not only how to start a homeschool program but also how to avoid burnout in the process! A short time of Q & A will be available at the end of the Zoom presentation, so come ready to ask questions. Don't miss it! REGISTER NOW MICHN exists to continue the fight for homeschool freedom in Michigan. It is our goal to connect homeshool groups across the state with one another, to be the portal where you get the lastest updates, ideas, and attend events. Be sure to visit our website and become a member today. FAITH. FAMILY. FREEDOM.   2023 Academic Achievement Study Defending Homeschool Freedom You are invited to participate in a multi-state research study to protect homeschool freedom for generations to come! MiCHN is partnering with National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) and BJU Press Homeschool to conduct a research project that will provide new and helpful information to homeschool families, homeschool support organizations, policymakers, and the general public. This is a national research study, and we are excited to be working with other homeschool state organizations like CHEA of California, HEAV of Virginia, and IAHE of Indiana. While testing is not required of homeschooled children in Michigan, strong scores make a convincing argument that homeschooling is successful without government control. We know that quality research is a powerful tool in protecting homeschool freedom. Current research is decades old. Michigan families now have the opportunity to help prove home education works by contributing to this new nationwide research study!   *ALL test scores, survey questions, and other data collected will remain 100% anonymous and  confidential* The Parent Portal is Now Available!   Order Now & Receive 10% Off   These are quite uncertain times. Right now, MICHN would advise you to make sure your account is up to date and accurate with Homeschool Legal Defense Association. Be sure to visit their website, and if you have not done so already, BECOME A MEMBER today. What's happening at MICHN       Copyright © 2022 MICHN, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 4407 W St. Joseph Hwy Lansing, MI 48917
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📠🔔Legislative Update: Report From the Capitol📓✒
Report From the Capitol: Our legislative team attended the House Education Committee meeting this morning. Dr. Michael Rice (Michigan's Superintendent of Public Instruction) met with the committee. He is the one who has been pushing for mandatory registration of homeschoolers the past couple of years. We wanted to be present to see what is being suggested and give you an immediate heads-up! Fortunately, home education was not mentioned once during this meeting. However, it did give a window into some of their agenda. Dr. Rice would like all students to be REQUIRED to begin their formal education by age 4. This sentiment has been previously proposed by Governor Whitmer, and we will be on the lookout for this in Governor Whitmer's budget proposal that should be released soon. Changing the compulsory age for Michigan children is apparently the solution they are coming up with in lieu of the 3rd grade reading law we currently have. During the meeting, it was made clear that we currently have a situation where teachers are needing to be "coached" by professionals on how to teach literacy to their students. We taxpayers are paying for these "literacy coaches." There is, allegedly, not enough funding for this program and not enough "coaches" available. Our big takeaways from the meeting: Mr. Rice wants to require education to begin at age 4. This would change the compulsory age in Michigan from 6 years old to 4 years old. Michigan's public educators truly are not prepared for their professions upon graduation. More money and more government oversight always solves the problems, from their perspective. We are pleased that home education was not specifically mentioned during this meeting. We were also able to have conversations with new House Education Committee members, some of whom appear to be promising allies of home education and would help to push back if negative legislation is introduced in the future. We plan to continue to follow up on and nurture these relationships with new legislators on the education committee (as we have done since 1984). While MiCHN is a volunteer organization made up of concerned homeschooling parents just like you, we believe there is strength in numbers and there is cost involved in maintaining the presence we have had in the legislature for almost four decades, and keeping homeschoolers in the state networked and informed. If you would like to help protect and preserve homeschooling freedoms here in Michigan, please consider supporting our work through donations (we are a tax-exempt, 501-c-3 non-profit organization) and through annual memberships. **It is important you understand we can not act on a bill, unless one is introduced. At this time, there has been NO BILL introduced in committees nor the chambers that would stipulate more regulations on homeschoolers. With that in mind, MICHN would encourage you to prayerfully consider what you can do TODAY: Write a letter introducing yourself and your family. In the letter thank them for all their hard work and service to the people of Michigan. Tell them you are praying for them, ask them if they have any specific prayer requests they would like to share with you-be it work or family related. If they share a request-be sure to follow up with a 'Thinking of You Note' and see how they are doing. Pray for our elected officials. Considering using a resource like Visit them in their local district office or in Lansing. Many legislators set aside certain times in their districts to meet with their constituents. Consider blessing them by taking a delicious treat with you or leaving a small gift like special "made in Michigan" food or decorative item. Send cards of encouragement throughout the year. Birthdays (usually posted on their website), 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all great opportunities to thank them for their service. Consider including a family picture and hand-drawn pictures or notes from your children to make it more personal. Invite them to homeschooling events in your area-picnics, programs, graduations, concerts, etc. Consider volunteering in their office or on their campaign. If you have confidence in what they stand for, offer your time to help: homeschoolers can assist with mailings, phone calls, placing yard signs, distributing literature door-to-door, marching in local parades, etc. -Your MiCHN Legislative Team  
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Are Public Schools Safe for Children?
August 31, 2018 by Israel Wayne In the past, MiCHN has responded to media bias against homeschoolers. Particularly, in an article in the Detroit Free Press (DFP). In short, the article by the DPF suggested that because a public school family had seriously abused their children, (CPS had known about the ongoing abuse for eight years), and then attempted to withdraw their children from public school, ALL homeschoolers in the state of Michigan needed to be regulated! It’s obviously a massive logical leap, but one they were willing to take. There is a certain narrative that some in the media wish to present: Public schools are safe and homeschools (parents) are dangerous. We, at MiCHN, and most of the homeschoolers we know and represent, obviously do not share this bias. Are Homeschools Dangerous? Responding to the accusation that homeschools are a cover up for child abuse and neglect, I cite research that demonstrates that there is absolutely no connection between the degree of state regulation of homeschooling and abuse of children, AND the fact that students who are homeschooled are actually 257% LESS likely to be sexually abused than students who are in public schools! We sent this information to the DFP but received no response. While we do not deny that there have been families who claim to homeschool their children who have abused and neglected them, there is no research (including an extensive study from our own federal government) that links homeschooling as a risk factor for child abuse. Are Public Schools Dangerous? The story goes, however, if children were in public schools, where they could be closely monitored by teachers, school counselors, school staff, etc., they would be kept safe from all harm and abuse. It sounds almost as though it’s only when they are homeschooled that abuse can take place, or go undetected. Our previous article, mentioned above, gives ample evidence that just because a child attends a public school, and CPS is aware of his or her abuse at home, that he or she is therefore safe from ongoing abuse from his or her parents. Sending a child to public school does not, in many cases, solve any of the abuse going on at home. But even worse than that, there is significant reason to believe that a child who attends public school faces dramatically increased risk of abuse at school, that he or she does NOT face otherwise. Child Protective Services (CPS) and Public Schools Cover Up Abuse Despite the accusation against homeschoolers that they are keeping their children at home as a cover-up for abuse and neglect, there is a demonstrated example of public schools and CPS doing just that in the Chicago Public School scandal (from a study that exposed them in August of 2018)! According to “The report describes how understaffed and underfunded CPS investigators struggled to process reports of potential sexual harassment, notifications sent to the Department of Children and Family Services, employee misconduct allegations and altercations between students and staff – thousands of reports during the 2016-17 school year alone.” Notice how they claim that if they just had more money, they could start doing their jobs? There were thousands of reports of sexual harassment (including many sexual assaults against children by school staff), in just one school year, in one city! This certainly does not fit the story the media wants us to believe: That public schools are safe havens against all child abuse and homeschools are vile dens of all kinds of abuse and neglect. It’s interesting to me that right after the Chicago story broke, newspapers around the country (including the DFP), immediately started shining the spotlight on homeschoolers, as if they are the real concern. Thankfully, the best DFP could come up with this round was a family who wasn’t even homeschooling (they were in the Lansing area public schools!). To be clear, MiCHN is totally against all forms of child abuse. We believe that those who abuse children should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law utilizing the perfectly adequate child-abuse laws that already exist in Michigan. What we do not believe is that public schools in Michigan are free from even the worst forms of abuse (by teachers and school staff). Let us demonstrate why. Abuse and Neglect of Children by Michigan Public School Staff In July of 2018, NBC News showed video footage of a Detroit public school assistant principal, slamming a 14-yr-old boy to the ground. He was then allegedly punched in the face by a school resource officer, who allegedly broke his jaw. In July of 2018, the Detroit Free Press themselves reported on a Hazel Park lawsuit regarding an 8-yr-old girl who almost lost her finger when a school aide allegedly, “slammed the door closed on Serenity’s finger with such force that her finger was nearly severed.” As similar lawsuit regarding a 7-yr-old boy reported in July, 2018 in Detroit in which, according to a report in The Detroit News: “The teacher kicked Jason out of the classroom and made him sit on the floor,” Marko said Tuesday. “He was trying to get back into the room and she lost her temper and slammed the door and basically guillotined his finger.” Again, the Detroit Free Press reported in March 2018: “A 33-year-old Marshall Public Schools teacher was arrested Tuesday on charges he had sex with a 16-year-old female student…The mother found the daughter with the guy in Marshall…She got her daughter and went home and the daughter told her she has been having sex with the teacher.” In February 2018, reported a 29-yr-old Athens High School teacher who was reportedly having sex with his 16-yr-old student. The DFP in August 2018 reported: “A Troy middle school assistant principal was charged with second-degree home invasion Saturday after she allegedly broke into the home of a student to look for prescription pills…(A) video reportedly showed Buchanan, 47, looking through a purse and drawers and walking through the home. The homeowner said $40 was taken.” In August 2018, an investigation was launched regarding Van Buren Township elementary reading teacher who operates and performs for an X-rated internet porn site with her husband called, “Hot for Teachers.” These are the people who many parents are expecting to keep their children safe! I could go on and on and on with these kinds of stories (just in Michigan!). Years ago, the conservative news site, started a page of just female teacher / predators who had been arrested for having sex with their students. They complied a massive list, and then had to give up in 2014 because there were so many similar reports each week from across the country, they couldn’t keep up with it. There is a Facebook group called, “The Real Truth About Public Schools” that posts, sometimes dozens of stories EVERY SINGLE DAY of crimes and abuses against children in American public schools. And we haven’t even addressed bullying and cyber-bullying from other students, or school shootings! Students Assaulting Other Students A lawsuit was reported by in March 2018 of the sexual abuse, in a teacher-monitored classroom, of a Grandville kindergarten student, by his classmates! “Parents of a boy say he was sexually assaulted in kindergarten by classmates who photographed the abuse on school-issued iPads. Grandville Public Schools, administrators and a teacher are named in a federal lawsuit alleging the district allowed the abuse to occur and failed to conduct a proper investigation after the allegations came to light.” October 2018, Fox17 reported that a 5-yr-old Muskegon Heights boy was reportedly sexually assaulted by his classmate. His mother had this to say, “I leave my son in you guys’ hands to protect him, and I feel like they neglected to protect him.” Also in October 2018, a horrible situation was reported by FOX2 where a 5-yr-old boy was forced to perform oral sex acts on an older elementary student on the school bus. Reportedly, the bus driver did not intervene, and other students just watched. “Parents say what’s even more upsetting is that the school district has not said anything about the incident,” FOX2 reported. This is happening in Kindergarten! Are Students Safer in Public Schools than at Home with Their Parents? While there are those who wish to scrounge around looking for any negligent or abusive parent, who claims to homeschool, as an excuse for regulating all homeschoolers, there is simply no evidence that putting perfectly safe children into a public-school environment makes them safe. I would argue the opposite is true. In the statistically rare occasion that a homeschooled student is being abused, at home, by his or her parents, those parents need to be prosecuted by existing-child abuse laws in the state (just like any other family where abuse takes place). Some may argue that homeschoolers have no one interacting with them to report abuse if it is occuring. The same could be said of public school students during summer break. Should all public school families have mandatory home visits to ensure none of them are abusing their children during the three months their students aren’t in school? The fact is, real homeschoolers interact with their families, their neighbors, their churches, and their communities, just like everyone else. They are also usually involved in some kind of homeschool support group or co-op (like those you can find HERE on our website), with other families, sharing academic classes, team sports, band / music, drama, debate, field trips, etc. It is ultimately people who care who are going to report child abuse, and you can’t create people who care through regulation. Making loving, caring homeschooling parents submit to additional requirements and government red tape like: Standardized testing, annual reporting, home visits, social worker visits, etc., only needlessly burdens them, costs taxpayers huge amounts of money to implement, and burdens a system that says is already hyper-extended…just trying to keep up with all of the sexual abuse going on in the public school system alone. Our recommendation to legislators and reporters is to focus on what will actually solve the problem: Enforce the perfectly adequate laws we already have, rather than constantly trying to create new ones. MiCHN is committed to continuing our long legacy of defending homeschooling freedoms in Michigan. We appreciate your support as we stand up for parental rights to keep homeschooling free from unnecessary and useless additional regulation in our state. Please consider becoming a member of MiCHN. 
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FREEDOM ALERT: Michigan State Board of Education Superintendent Michael F. Rice, at the last board meeting (1/10/23) made this a clear goal for our new legislature:   "Missing students: Currently, Michigan Law does not require the simple counting, the simple counting, of homeschooled students. Parents of homeschool students may choose to register their children as such with their local public school districts, or not. Unfortunately, however, the inability to count homeschooled children leads to an inability to determine the numbers of missing children in the state. As I pointed out at the beginning of the pandemic, pre-pandemic there were four categories of students: public, private, parochial, and homeschooled. The need to count a homeschooled student's pre-pandemic was minimal since we assumed that those students who weren't educated in public, private, or parochial settings were being homeschooled. That was a pretty good assumption pre-pandemic. During the pandemic however, there was considerable movement of students and families both within and across states. This is a national phenomenon. The need to count homeschooled students and to get a better understanding of the number of students who weren't being educated at all, who were missing, became apparent.  The legislature should require the registration, the simple registration of homeschooled students, so that we can get a better understanding of students who aren't being educated at all, who are missing, coming out of the pandemic. This is a national problem. We need to do better in Michigan. "   Dr. Michael F. Rice, Michigan's 44th superintendent of public instruction, has been calling for the regulation of homeschoolers for the past couple years. MICHN will be watching very closely to see if anyone acts upon his call for regulation. Registration of homeschoolers is a likely first step towards additional regulation (i.e. standardized testing, mandatory home visits, mandatory health inspections, etc.). If registration of children (or even testing) ensured they were truly educated, the public schools wouldn't be failing. MICHN opposes all such regulations as they do nothing to protect or educate children and only increase government control over families. If any bills are introduced, we will alert everyone immediately via email. If you would like a resource to counter-argue pro-regulation family and friends, please click here.   **It is important you understand we can not act on a bill, unless one is introduced. At this time, there has been NO BILL introduced in committees nor the chambers that would stipulate more regulations on homeschoolers. With that in mind, MICHN would encourage you to prayerfully consider what you can do TODAY: Call the Department of Education and tell them respectfully you oppose any suggested regulations on homeschooling. Call your local senator and/or representative and tell them respectfully you oppose any suggested regulations on homeschooling. Pray for our leaders. Both those who would seek freedom for home education and those who would prefer to put more regulations in place. Call Mr. Tom McMillin (State Board of Ed) and let him know you appreciate him standing up for homeschool freedom and giving a counter-argument to Mr. Rice during the latest meeting.  In all things, God is sovereign! Am I the only one looking out my window dreaming of the day I can get into my garden and begin to feel the Earth between my hands once again?  Winter. It can take a toll on us Michiganders. Sure, we all feel our pride swell up when we hear those hilarious stories of southerners closing down everything for a dusting of snow while we, ourselves, hardly shut down for a blizzard. Yet there is something about this time of year that can make us feel drained and discouraged. What are you putting your hopes into today? For some of us, it might be getting outdoors into the yard or garden. For others it could be just having a productive, smooth-flowing, conflict-free homeschool day. Or maybe some of you long for an organized, tidy house... with all the laundry caught up! It's a wonderful time of year to remember where our hope truly lies-to truly examine if we are putting our hope and trust in temporal things or in the sovereignty of God. Are we remembering the promises of Jesus that we find starting in Genesis, all the way through to the end of the Bible in Revelation where Jesus is revealed in His full glory and given all the honor due Him?  As we look around this world and all the darkness it has to offer, let us remember to go to the One who is before all things and in whom all things hold together. (Col. 1:17)  For it is in the promise of Christ's return we find our blessed hope. Not even the best homeschool day or cleanest home can provide comfort like that. Titus 2:11-14 "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works."  REGISTRATION CLOSING Thursday, January 19th @ 11:59 PM!!!! If you are planning to stay at the Hilton Garden Inn, registration is closing Thursday, January 19, 2023. Please be sure to register before the deadline. Registration will remain open for those wishing to attend with a weekend pass and no hotel stay. Home Sweet Homeschool 2023 There are a lot of last-minute details wrapping up. We are so excited to see all of you at the Home Sweet Homeschool event! For more details on: Schedule: Click Here Sessions:Click Here FAQ: Click Here
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Is Testing Required in Michigan?
Homeschooled students in Michigan are NOT required to test. So why test? While completely optional, there are many benefits of having your child take a standardized test through MiCHN and BJU. PROTECT HOMESCHOOL FREEDOM Establishing a compilation of test scores nationwide and within each state, lends credibility to the educational excellence of homeschool students. Because homeschooled students historically score very high, the larger the number of students tested, the more convincing our scores become to both legislators and the public. Your participation is encouraged, not only for your own information, but to continue to safeguard our freedoms. LEARN TEST-TAKING SUCCESS Following directions, relaxing under pressure, pacing oneself, and completing work in an allotted time are all great skills that can be honed through taking tests. Testing can be a valuable preparation for college entrance exams such as the ACT and SAT. PROVIDE A BENCHMARK Standardized tests indicate how your child compares academically to other children at his grade level.  While we do have the privilege of seeing our children learn on a day-to-day basis, it is beneficial to assess a child’s year-to-year development of learning. Standardized test scores help to reveal your child's academic strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your planning and choose curriculum accordingly. WE CAN HELP YOU TEST  Click HERE to find out how to test! ***The compiled test score data to be published and shared with those questioning the validity and effectiveness of homeschooling, will be combined scores of homeschool students statewide and nationwide, never individual scores. When you test with MiCHN & BJU, MiCHN will receive a group report (based on ANONYMOUS student data), allowing us to showcase to legislators or other government officials and skeptics the success of home-educated students in Michigan. 
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December MICHN Moment- A word from our President
Dear friends, In 2022, we continued to see more and more Michigan parents choosing to homeschool. It has been such an encouragement! Our hope and prayer is that families will experience the blessing of private home education and family discipleship. We see evidence of that happening and praise God for it!  As the numbers increase, so does the need for support. As an all-volunteer, nonprofit ministry our mission remains to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping families to biblically disciple the next generation through home education, and by protecting and advancing private homeschool freedoms in Michigan for all. We believe that parents have the right and the responsibility to teach and train their children as they see fit. MICHN works year-round to protect the freedoms of all homeschoolers in Michigan. We believe that parents are the most qualified to educate their children well. MICHN provides events, services, and resources to support families on their homeschool journey and help them succeed. We believe that independent homeschooling is the best educational model for families academically, socially, and spiritually. MICHN encourages family discipleship, helping parents raise up children for the Lord. We believe that your children do not belong to the state. The Lord has entrusted them to you and will equip you for the task. Through the Lord’ s provision and the generosity of families like yours, MICHN helps parents thrive on their homeschool journey. Friends, as important as home education and family discipleship are, we cannot take our homeschool freedoms for granted! In many ways, homeschooling is now more vulnerable than ever. The surge of homeschool popularity, while exciting, invites scrutiny and potential regulations. Introduction of bills and initiatives could threaten homeschool freedoms, whether directly or indirectly. Homeschool misinformation online leaves parents ill-informed and open to unintended consequences. Unauthorized and sometimes illegal requirements—to the point of harassment—are sometimes imposed on homeschool parents by education officials. A false sense of security in the homeschool community can lead to complacency and a lack of understanding about the current and potential threats to homeschool freedom. Because of the generous support of families like yours, MICHN tackles many of these issues year-round by providing accurate information and proactively guarding against any attempts to curtail our homeschool freedom. It is imperative that we continue that work into the new year! A full legislative session will be held in Michigan during 2023 and there is great need for vigilance in monitoring proposed legislation, meeting with legislators, and possibly providing testimony during hearings to protect and advance Michigan's precious homeschool freedoms.  Your donations are needed to help provide the necessary resources for these important efforts. In addition to financial support, you may be asked to contact your state legislators regarding proposed legislation. When MICHN gives the “call to action,” YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Strength in numbers makes a difference! As you consider year-end giving opportunities, will you prayerfully consider partnering with us to safeguard our freedoms by making a generous contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500—or any amount you are able? Homeschooling has come a long way in Michigan. Together, by God’s grace, we can ensure that our cherished freedoms will last for future generations. “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 ESV). We, at MICHN, pray you have a blessed celebration of Christ's birth and a safe, enjoyable New Year. Mike Winter MICHN President for the entire MICHN Board
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Prayers, Pumpkins, and Podcasts!🙏 (MiCHN Moment October)
Our culture is under attack. It is no surprise the bedrock of our nation, the family, is the main target. Our liberties are being challenged every day. There has never been a more serious election for this generation of home educators. The rights of parents are on the ballot this November. Make sure you know how you're voting and please, GET INVOLVED. Here is a VOTER'S GUIDE from Michigan Family Forum to help answer any questions you may have. Also, make sure you understand how PROPOSAL 3 could impact you, as a parent! Check out Citizens For Traditional Value's EXPLANATION on the proposal. The baton is being passed to our generation. It is time we stand up and fight for our freedoms! Contact your local homeschool group today and find ways to get involved! Literally, everything is on the ballot this year. Vote On: Tuesday, November 8th, 2022!!   LEADER FALL FELLOWSHIP: Roger and Jan Smith will be joining us at Mount Hope Church, Saturday, November 12, to encourage any and all leaders who have influence in our homeschool communities around the state. Current and upcoming leaders are welcome to join us for a time of food, fellowship, and vision casting. Registration will be closing soon. Be sure to register today for this FREE event!    National Homeschool Day of Prayer   Zan Tyler sat down with Michigan's own Israel Wayne on her podcast. They spoke about the erosion of the family and the importance of living out our faith consistently and with authenticity.    Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins! Are you hitting that moment in the school year where everything just feels like it's dragging on? Tired of the monotonous day-to-day work that just lives on repeat? Break away from those textbooks and try a seasonal unit study that is sure to reinvigorate your imagination and give your home education the flair it might just need. Grab this free PUMPKIN UNIT STUDY and embrace the beauty of autumn. Do you have younger students? Guide them through THE LIFE CYCLE of a pumpkin with this unit study from Carrots Are Orange. Your older students could cook up a storm in the kitchen with some of these AMAZING RECIPES from Yummy Toddler Food. While you're at it, don't forget about yourself. Check out this simple STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE on how to make pumpkin puree from Love & Lemons! Happy Planning!   What's happening at MICHN