Our 30 Days of Prayer is moving into its second week. Let's gather together and remember to pray for the children who will be attending the conference and for safety as the date of the conference approaches!
The countdown is on! Michigan's largest Used Curriculum Sale is right around the corner. Rather you want to sell your books and curriculum or you're looking to find a great deal on next year's choices, this is the event for you!
**Please note: The Used Curriculum Sale is INCLUDED with your all-inclusive one-time purchase of $60.00 to the INCH Conference. If you'd ...
Politics, politics, politics. It seems like that has been all we have been talking about at MiCHN lately. Probably that is true, and rightly so, for we have not been under government scrutiny and threat of regulation since our legal separation from government harassment in 1993. With the change in the party controlling our legislature, Governor, Attorney General, and Supreme Court, our freedom ...
Report From the Capitol:
Breaking News!
Rep. Kara Hope (D) has revealed that the author of one of the pending homeschool registration bills is Rep. Kimberly Edwards (D) of the 12th House District. Her district includes part of Macomb and Wayne counties. We strongly encourage anyone in her district to call, email or visit one of her coffee hours to express your opposi...
It is officially CONFERENCE WEEK! You can click HERE and download this year's program ahead of time! Within those pages and below you are going to find all you need to know ...
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